What is True Christian Ministry? In our day- Christian Ministry has become a "catch-all" phrase that includes many aspects of "How to": • How to be a More Moral Person • Tips for Better Living • Secrets of Financial Prosperity • How to Lose Weight • How to Have a Better Marriage • How to be Happy and Self Fulfilled But none of those things are true Christian Ministry in and of themselves. To be sure- all of the above will occur to some extent when real Ministry is carried out- but true genuine Christian Ministry is teaching and preaching the Historical Facts and Truths of the Lord Jesus Christ in His Person and Finished Work-as recorded in the Holy Bible- so that by the Power of the Holy Spirit- human beings will believe the Gospel; repent and be saved; and out of a humble and trembling heart of gratitude for all that Christ has done and completed- those saved people will then find the fullness of Joy in denying themselves;picking up their Crosses; and following after Jesus in delighted submission to the Authority of the Word of God on a daily basis- all to the Glory of God. Therefore- by necessity- Christian Ministry involves the verse by verse; line upon line; precept upon precept exposition of the 66 Books of the Holy Scripture- the only inspired Record on earth- so that people may know what they believe and why they believe it- so that they will have the Solid Foundation necessary to affect lasting change. To that end- The Covenant of Peace Church offers several Ministry Opportunities designed specifically so that the one true living God will be Worshipped through our Joyful Submission and Obedience to what He has done and said. Please explore those Ministry Opportunities listed on the right side of this Page to "Taste and See" what we offer here. | Ministry to Men Ministry to Women Radio Broadcast |
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